Contact LGBTCollege

If you are looking to contact LGBTCollege about anything, here is the list of contacts to fit your specific request.

Video Submissions:

Personal, Public, Professional, They are all intertwined and woven together so we want to hear from real people like YOU! If you have a story to tell then share it with the world and hopefully inspire someone else. 
Submit A P3 Project Video

Article Submissions:

Our voice is an echo of yours. Do you have a topic or subject that you are interested in writing an article on?, we'd love to share it, please contact us using the link below.
Submit An Article


There is strength in unity. We are currently looking to fulfill upcoming volunteer opportunities with our organization, Interested?, email us at the link below.
Become A Volunteer



Donations keep us sustained and growing, so your generosity fuels our continued committment to social justice and the LGBT community.
Make A Donation


Knowledge is important to us at LGBTCollege. Our continuing education program will give your organization more insight and understanding into the multi-faceted LGBT population.
Request A Training Session


LGBTCollege is active in your community, and we have exciting plans for the near future. Let us know what you're interested in, and we'll defintely get back to you!
Upcoming LGBTCollege Events

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